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2019 CIGRE B4 International Colloquium

1st October 2019 - 5th October 2019

Johannesburg, South Africa, 1 – 5 October 2019


Colloquium Theme: HVDC and FACTS for Regional Interconnections and Renewable Energy Integration


The aim of the 2019 CIGRE B4 International Colloquium is to provide a forum for discussion on the use of HVDC and FACTS considering the aspects of planning, available technology, projects and operational experience related to regional interconnectors and renewable energy integration with a focus on Africa.


The preferential topics reflect the above and the colloquium is intended to stimulate discussion on these important topics during the technical sessions. This event is held in conjunction with the 2019 CIGRE Southern African Regional Conference at the Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa in Johannesburg, South Africa.


B4 working group meetings will be held on the preceding weekend (28th-29th September) with the 2019 B4 SC meeting taking place on the 30th of September 2019. The working groups and SC meeting will be held at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg.


Preferential Subjects

Papers related to the application of HVDC and FACTS for planning, technology, projects and operational experience with focus on the following subjects are invited.

  • Network stability
  • Renewable energy
  • Regional interconnections
  • LVDC and MVDC distribution and microgrids
  • Distributed FACTS devices
  • Impact of renewable energy/changes in transmission patterns
  • Inverter based energy storage technologies
  • Synthetic inertia
  • Economic solutions for tapping small power from HVDC lines
  • Refurbishment and upgrades of HVDC and FACTS installations



Registration is now open.  Click here to view registration info.


Committees and Enquiries

The symposium organizing and technical committees are composed of the following:

SC-B4 Colloquium Organising Committee Chairperson: Nombuso Ramaite
SC-B4 Colloquium Technical Committee Chairperson: Thomas Magg
Enquiries Anelja de Bok



Submission of Synopses and Papers

Participants wishing to present and publish papers should submit synopses and papers by following instructions on this page.  All synopses, papers and presentations must be in English.  Please note that authors should be available to present at the colloquium. Click here for the synopsis template and Click here for the paper template.

Submission Instructions:

  1. Authors are requested to upload their submissions on the following page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cigreb4regionalsanc2 by creating an account and following the listed instructions.
  2. Click here for the Help Guide if required
  3. Click here to download the presentation template for the colloquium.
  4. Click here to download the template for the presenter’s biography.



Receipt of synopses 15th December 2018
Notification of acceptance 15th January 2019
Receipt of full paper 30th April 2019
Notification of final acceptance 30th June 2019


Preliminary Programme

Day Date Programme Venue
Saturday 28-Sep-19 B4 WG meetings Maslow Hotel- Sandton, Johannesburg
Sunday 29-Sep-19 B4 WG meetings Maslow Hotel- Sandton, Johannesburg
B4 Dinner  TBA
Monday 30-Sep-19 B4 SC meeting Maslow Hotel- Sandton, Johannesburg
Tuesday 01-Oct-19 Tutorials – B4 Colloquium and Southern Africa Regional Conference Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg
Welcome Cocktails Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg
Wednesday 02-Oct-19 Paper Presentations and Exhibition –

B4 Colloquium and Southern Africa Regional Conference

Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg
Dinner :  Carnivore Restaurant

B4 Colloquium and Southern Africa Regional Conference

Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg
Thursday 03-Oct-19 Paper Presentations and Exhibition –

B4 Colloquium and Southern Africa Regional Conference

Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre & Spa, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg
Friday 04-Oct-19 Technical Tours TBA
Saturday 05-Oct-19 Technical Tours TBA
Sunday 05-Oct-19 Technical Tours TBA


1st October 2019
5th October 2019
Event Category:


Cigre Southern Africa B4 Committee
View Organiser Website


Johannesburg, South Africa
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2000 South Africa + Google Map

The Cigre SANC operates on the basis of a two-year program that has as its highlights the Cigre Paris Session in even years and the Regional Conference in odd years. The Annual Calendar therefore reflects key milestones that need to be adhered to as well as general administrative functions. It is a guideline and a form of induction for new Committee members